Why I number my posts [#22]

Since numbers are cool. Plus: links of the week!

Why I number my posts [#22]

Hey everyone — this post is a bit shorter than usual. I had to study and take 2/3 of my AP exams this week — so I didn't have much time to write this article.

At the end of this article, I'll be recommending a few links which I find to be pretty awesome. They aren't sponsored or anything, but I'd highly recommend that you check them out, because they are super cool.

Enough said. Let's jump into the article!

Why I Number My Posts

In case you haven't noticed, all of my articles have numbers assigned to them. This article is #22. There are a few reasons why all of my articles are numbered:

1. They're easy to access

It's very convenient to have a unique number associated with each of my articles. Since I can remember most of my article's numbers, I can easily type ntnbr.com/NUMBER into any search browser and instantly "get" the right article. It's super convenient and quick.

2. Numbers provide motivation

Writing is hard. But every article I write, I'm getting closer to a numeric milestone. My next milestone is 32 articles! (I like powers of 2.)

3. Easy to implement 'random article' feature

The URL ntnbr.com/random redirects to a random article of mine. If I had verbose, descriptive URLs like ntnbr.com/cheezits or ntnbr.com/numbers, implementing functionality for retrieving a random article would be pretty difficult. But numbers are easy. I only need this code in the page header of ntnbr.com/random:

    var randomPostNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 23);
    window.location.href = "https://www.ntnbr.com/" + randomPostNumber;

I love functionalities that can be implemented with two lines of JavaScript.